What is Heartworm disease?
Heartworm is a preventable, but serious and potentially fatal, parasite that primarily infects dogs.
Heartworms can only be transmitted from animal to animal by mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites an infected animal, young heartworms called microfilariae enter into that mosquito’s system.
Symptoms of heartworm show loss of appetite, exercise intolerance, weight loss, bulging chest, dyspnea (difficult, labored breathing, shortness of breath), coughing, weakness.
However, heartworm infection is generally completely preventable.
Blood test necessary
Before a dog is placed on a heartworm preventive, however, a blood sample must be tested to make sure the dog is not already infected.
If your dog does become infected with heartworms, there is a risk of taking preventive medicine.
And also protect your dogs from ticks and fleas
Flea allergy dermatitis is common dermatologic disease of dogs. Flea bites are irritating enough, but many dogs actually develop an allergic reaction to the saliva of the fleas, and they become extremely itchy all over, even with the bite of only one flea.
Ticks carry a host of other pesky germs that can make both you and your dog sick.
They suck blood for hours and even days until they are full to bursting. During this time, they can transmit whatever infectious organisms they happen to be carrying.
If your dog enjoys the outdoors, apply a product that prevents ticks from attaching to the skin.
Heartworms, ticks and flea Preventions
Most products are given monthly.
*In Japan, Heartworm prevention is from April to December.
*We recommend the prevention of ticks and fleas all year round.
*Dogs on heartworm preventive should still be tested every year, just in case the medication was forgotten or was ineffective for some reason.
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HALU Animal Hospital